The importance of breastfeeding in infant and maternal health will be highlighted throughout National Breastfeeding Month in August.
The Government said this year’s observances would be held under the theme “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All”.
It said the month “celebrates the diverse experiences of breastfeeding journeys and emphasises the importance of providing comprehensive support to all breastfeeding families”.
During the celebrations, the Department of Health aims to “highlight the critical role of breastfeeding in infant and maternal health, while advocating for inclusive and equitable breastfeeding practices”.
Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, said: “Breastfeeding is crucial for a child’s survival and development, with many key benefits.”
She added: “Observing National Breastfeeding Month promotes the importance of breastfeeding for infant and maternal health, encourages support for breastfeeding mothers, and educates the public about best practices.”
Events marking National Breastfeeding Month
Below are a series of initiatives and events which will mark National Breastfeeding Month in August
August 5 to 9: There will be a breastfeeding photograph display at the Washington Mall which will include photographs of mothers and babies of the island.
August 5 and 12: A podcast, Bermuda Health-Abets, which highlights all aspects of healthy living, will highlight the importance of breastfeeding.
Episodes will be aired on the department’s Facebook and YouTube pages
What else
Posted By: Cheer Leader
Friday, August 2nd 2024 at 10:55AM
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