Welcome to SAN! Towards the close of the century one event changed and shaped our world and commerce in a way never dreamed possible... The event was the rise of the internet. Please, let me present to you what we believe could make history in a similar manner. A Creative Artistic & Musical Compensatory Platform called SAN: Starving Artist Network. SAN is a proactive platform for artists and all forms of artistry, worldwide. Founded in 1998, SAN started with a clear mission in mind which is to give artists their due in a monetary way by offering an aggressive artistic and musical outreach program aimed to assist them. Also we will provide new artistic direction and leadership to our artists. Leadership will be provided in visual art, music, design, dance, cinema, theater and writing. Festival will be organized to promote our artists. Artists will be given the chance to design new artistic buildings. All this will provide further revenues to our artists. Additionally, my goal as President is to transfer my enthusiasm and creativity to others so as to enpower them to become SAN future leaders. Therefore, I would welcome the opportunity for you to evaluate SAN platform in a segmented setting and to view each of its plug-ins. If you wish to receive further information about SAN you can contact me at diamonddgrier2012@gmail.com. We look forward to working with you. Artfully Loved. Diamond D Grier (Pres/CEO) & Carlton Vincent (V.Pres)
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Diamond D Grier
Last Visit: December 8th, 2021 | Joined Group: February 22nd, 2012